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    Breastfeeding Community Mom

    First days

    January 24, 2022

    Viv has been a very special baby since the beginning. I call her “Angel” as a term of endearment. She really is my family’s angel. She was miraculously conceived, I mean, truly. She was a gift to George and I. We were both too dumb to make a decision like that on our own. She was 4 weeks early and she weighed only 4lbs and 15oz. I was a first time, single, mom with a premature baby and I lived alone. I was pretty calm, I think, in the beginning. I had her basically alone in the hospital. My sister drove all the way up from Coral Springs, Florida with my two nephews to make it to her delivery. My poor mother was waiting downstairs because I was only allowed to have one person in the delivery room. It was a peaceful and uneventful vaginal delivery. She was beautiful from the start.

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