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  • Community Family Self-care

    Hot and cold therapy

    I’ve been hearing A LOT about hot and cold therapy lately. Multiple social media accounts, influencers, and business professionals that I follow have talked about it. Then I received this video in a newsletter…

    February 11, 2022
  • Baby Mom

    Gratitude, regrets and hormones

    I’ve decided to put together a list for a first time expecting mother of all the things I wish I had done or would have done differently, a few items that I used the…

    February 8, 2022
  • Community Mom

    Informed consent

    While I was pregnant I went through a great awakening. Just becoming a mother in itself was the most spiritual experience I’ve ever had. During the pregnancy I did a lot of research about…

    February 7, 2022
  • Community Mom

    Personal Birth Story

    Warning! This is a raw one and I speak from the heart. Sometimes my heart drops f-bombs. Sharing my personal birth story is one of the gifts that I feel I can offer other…

    February 7, 2022
  • Baby

    At-home remedies for fighting colds

    I have a few tools that I use to get my baby better, faster and safely.  These are safe and have been very effective for my baby in treating minor colds and sickness without…

    February 2, 2022
  • Breastfeeding Family Mom Recipes

    Beet tacos or nachos

    Though I may be the only beet fan in my home, I still make these for myself. It’s easy to make beets alongside meat and the remainder of the ingredients can be the same.…

    January 29, 2022
  • Breastfeeding Family Mom Recipes

    Carrot top pesto

    This super easy recipe is a good way to use part of a vegetable that you usually waste. Carrot tops are a great substitute for parsley. When breastfeeding, parsley is important to avoid.…

    January 29, 2022
  • Breastfeeding Family Mom Recipes

    Sweet Potato Shepherd’s Pie

    This is a family favorite. I’ve been making Shepherd’s pie for years and I make it slightly different every time. The key ingredients are Worcestershire sauce, homemade chicken stock and the perfect seasonings.…

    January 29, 2022
  • Breastfeeding Mom Recipes

    Mother’s Sweet Porridge

    This recipe was originally provided to me during my postpartum by MaySheBloom. She is a trained Ayurvedic doula. I have adjusted this recipe to my own liking. For Ayurvedic nutrition support you should consult…

    January 28, 2022